Direct Care Sales Assesment
RBT skills assessment that covers 102 discrete skills RBT’s are expected to be fluent with by the end of their training prior to moving on to phase 2.
Administer as a supervisor or provide to your trainees as a self-assessment.
Use to jumpstart your own Phase 1 training program
When using, make sure your RBTs/trainees are provided a copy of the assessment to know what they are being evaluated on.
Based off the theory of a "job model" for training (Garza, McGee, Schenk & Wiskerchen, 2018)
4 pages, PDF file
RBT skills assessment that covers 102 discrete skills RBT’s are expected to be fluent with by the end of their training prior to moving on to phase 2.
Administer as a supervisor or provide to your trainees as a self-assessment.
Use to jumpstart your own Phase 1 training program
When using, make sure your RBTs/trainees are provided a copy of the assessment to know what they are being evaluated on.
Based off the theory of a "job model" for training (Garza, McGee, Schenk & Wiskerchen, 2018)
4 pages, PDF file
RBT skills assessment that covers 102 discrete skills RBT’s are expected to be fluent with by the end of their training prior to moving on to phase 2.
Administer as a supervisor or provide to your trainees as a self-assessment.
Use to jumpstart your own Phase 1 training program
When using, make sure your RBTs/trainees are provided a copy of the assessment to know what they are being evaluated on.
Based off the theory of a "job model" for training (Garza, McGee, Schenk & Wiskerchen, 2018)
4 pages, PDF file